



梅特勒METTLER ME-T 精密天平经销代理

梅特勒METTLER ME-T 精密天平经销代理

产品简介:上海英帅机电设备工厂有限公司代理梅特勒METTLER ME-T 精密天平经销代理 我们遍布全球的销售和服务组织确保训练有素、经验丰富的敬业为客户提供服务。我们分别在美国、德国、英国、瑞士和中国设有生产基地, 以便从物流、**反应和满足当地需求方面接近客户。我们的产品与服务覆盖 100 多个国家/地区。 功能实用,性能可靠 这是一款适用于您的工厂车间或过程实验室 的可靠天平,将基本称量功能与易用性融于一体,以在日常工作中获得准确的结果。 直观的触摸操作 配置的 4.5 英寸大型彩色 TFT 触摸屏带有清晰的图标和直观的指南,即使用户戴着棉制或橡胶手套也可**操作。 多语言操作和图形指导您完成称量程序的每个步骤。 内置易用性和安全性 包括检重、计数和配方在内的八项嵌入式应用让操作员可以立即开始工作。 样品 ID 和密码保护功能可确保设置不会被未授权的人员更改。 准确度有保障 采用全自动校准技术 (FACT) 的电磁力补偿 (EMFC) 称量单元可提供连续可靠的结果,自动校准天平。 内置过载保护功能有助于确保天平保持较长的使用寿命。 轻松处理数据 多个接口支持条形码读取器、打印机和 PC 连接线,实现轻松可追溯性和数据处理。 USB 和 232 接口与可选蓝牙适配器可简化数据上载和传送流程。 专为持久**运行而设计 金属底座和高质量表面处理让 ME-T 结实到足以应用于苛刻的环境,同时其光滑的表面还易于维护和清洁。...


产品简介:Overview PRODUCT FEATURES State-of-the-art wastewater pump with N-technology Sustained high efficiency with energy savings up to 25% Flexible and modular design Robust and reliable WASTEWATER N-TECHNOLOGY PUMP Flygt N-pumps take on the toughest applicatio and get the job done. Every component is designed and manufactured to deliver sustained high efficiency. Thanks to patented N-technology with its innovative self-cleaning impeller, Flygt N-pumps deliver the highest total efficiency. They lower your energy bill and reduce unplanned maintenance costs. That adds up to total peace of mind – and big savings over the long term. Most solid objects entering the pump will pass through the impeller between the impeller vanes. If an object gets caught on the leading edge of one of the vanes, it will slide along the backswept shape towards the perimeter of the inlet. Due to the mechanical self-cleaning design, a sludge concentration up to 8% can easily be pumped. FLEXIBLE AND MODULAR DESIGN This self-cleaning pump features innovative functio that make it the best choice for a broad range of applicatio. The modular hydraulic design enables you to tailor the hydraulics to meet the requirements of virtually any application. Replaceable wear ring in two materials, gray iron or Hard IronTM, for different operation conditio Hardened gray iron impeller for typical wastewater applicatio Hard Iron? impeller for abrasive and corrosive applicatio Stainless steel impeller for special applicatio that require duplex stainless steel Short shaft overhang reduces shaft deflection and increases seal and bearing life Motor designed for submeible use. Heat is concentrated to the stator core for improved cooling properties. The double mechanical seal system coists of two sets of mechanical shaft seals work independently to provide double security. Available in Tungsten carbide (WCCR) or Silicone carbide (SiC) depending on pumped media. Motor cable SUBCAB ? specially developed for submeible use Offe flexible cooling system, e.g. closed loop cooling system, media cooled or external cooling...


产品简介:上海英帅机电设备工程有限公司授权代理梅特勒电子天平. 梅特勒电子天平的六大重要性能: 1、*新的电子线路与软件,功能远**代天平。 2、较新流线体设计,外观造型新颖,*易安装清洁。 3、AL204电子分析天平采用MFR电磁力平衡传感器,具有良好的抗冲击能力,保障天平具有较佳称量性能。 4、通过通讯接口(AL标配,PL-S选件)可与打印机、电脑等外围设备连接,并打印出详细数据报告等,使称量工作符合GLP标准 5、梅特勒电子天平采用**塑胶材料,具有高强度、高柔韧性与轻质特点,结构灵活坚固。 *有的塑料保护罩,使天平*好抵抗灰尘、湿气、腐蚀等危害,从而适应各种恶劣环境。 6、梅特勒电子天平具有大秤盘、大而清晰的显示屏及全新操作键盘布局,符合人体工程学原理,使操作*加舒适便捷。 编辑本段梅特勒电子天平的检查: 取下天平罩,折叠好放在天平箱上面。逐项检查: 梅特勒天平的称量校准 梅特勒天平的称量校准 ①称量物的温度与天平箱内温度是否相等,称量物的外部是否清洁和干燥。 ②天平箱内、秤盘上是否清洁。如有灰尘,用毛刷刷净。 ③梅特勒电子天平位置是否水平。 ④天平各部件是否都处在应有位置,特别要注意吊耳和圈码。 ⑤测定或调节梅特勒电子天平的零点。 编辑本段梅特勒电子天平使用时的重要注意事项: 一:梅特勒电子天平的心脏一般是重力电磁传感器簧片(一般共有十一片)细而薄,*易受损,且天平的精度越高,其重力传感簧片也越薄,所以在使用中应特别注意加以保护,(不要向天平上加载重量*过其称量范围的物体,绝不能用手压称盘或使天平跌落地下)不要使天平受到冲击力,,以免损坏天平或使重力传感器的性能发生变化,另外,称量一个物体(特别是较重的物体)一般不要*过30秒钟(没有这个30秒的规定,只要不*过其称量范围都可以称量),搬动和运输时应将称盘及其托盘取下来. 二:梅特勒电子天平实际上是测量地球对放在称盘上的物体的引力即重力的仪器,而由于地球径纬度的不同,各地的重力加速度(g~9.8m2)并不相同,在使用当地其称量准确度取决于是否进行了正确的校正和校正砝码的精度,假如您发现在广州经校正好的天平,在当地称重有一定误差,这并不表示天平有任何故障,请按各型号电子天平说明书上介绍的方法用计量部门认可的标准砝码进行校正,即可进行准确称量。 三:梅特勒电子天平是一台对环境高度敏感的精密电子测量仪器,使用时应小心操作,安装台面应无明显振动,不要放在空调口,若这些条件不能满足,应采取一些改进措施,如变更使用地点,装上防风罩等,同时注意要调整底角螺丝使水平指示器的气泡居中。天平未调好水平也是产生称量误差的原因之一。...


产品简介:Most solid objects entering the pump will pass through the impeller between the impeller vanes. If an object gets caught on the leading edge of one of the vanes, it will slide along the backswept shape towards the perimeter of the inlet. Due to the mechanical self-cleaning design, a sludge concentration up to 8% can easily be pumped. Replaceable wear ring in two materials, gray iron or Hard IronTM, for different operation conditio Hardened gray iron impeller for typical wastewater applicatio Hard Iron? impeller for abrasive and corrosive applicatio Stainless steel impeller for special applicatio that require duplex stainless steel Short shaft overhang reduces shaft deflection and increases seal and bearing life Motor designed for submeible use. Heat is concentrated to the stator core for improved cooling properties. The double mechanical seal system coists of two sets of mechanical shaft seals work independently to provide double security. Available in Tungsten carbide (WCCR) or Silicone carbide (SiC) depending on pumped media. Motor cable SUBCAB ? specially developed for submeible use...


产品简介:Flygt N-pumps take on the toughest applicatio and get the job done. Every component is designed and manufactured to deliver sustained high efficiency. Thanks to patented N-technology with its innovative self-cleaning impeller, Flygt N-pumps deliver the highest total efficiency. They lower your energy bill and reduce unplanned maintenance costs. That adds up to total peace of mind – and big savings over the long term. Most solid objects entering the pump will pass through the impeller between the impeller vanes. If an object gets caught on the leading edge of one of the vanes, it will slide along the backswept shape towards the perimeter of the inlet. Due to the mechanical self-cleaning design, a sludge concentration up to 8% can easily be pumped. FLEXIBLE AND MODULAR DESIGN This self-cleaning pump features innovative functio that make it the best choice for a broad range of applicatio. The modular hydraulic design enables you to tailor the hydraulics to meet the requirements of virtually any application. Replaceable wear ring in two materials, gray iron or Hard IronTM, for different operation conditio Hardened gray iron impeller for typical wastewater applicatio Hard Iron? impeller for abrasive and corrosive applicatio Chopper ring intended for tough wastewater applicatio where cutting is required due to long fibe and solids Stainless steel impeller for special applicatio that require duplex stainless steel Short shaft overhang reduces shaft deflection and increases seal and bearing life...


产品简介:Flygt N-pumps take on the toughest applicatio and get the job done. Every component is designed and manufactured to deliver sustained high efficiency. Thanks to patented N-technology with its innovative self-cleaning impeller, Flygt N-pumps deliver the highest total efficiency. They lower your energy bill and reduce unplanned maintenance costs. That adds up to total peace of mind – and big savings over the long term. Most solid objects entering the pump will pass through the impeller between the impeller vanes. If an object gets caught on the leading edge of one of the vanes, it will slide along the backswept shape towards the perimeter of the inlet. Due to the mechanical self-cleaning design, a sludge concentration up to 8% can easily be pumped. This self-cleaning pump features innovative functio that make it the best choice for a broad range of applicatio. The modular hydraulic design enables you to tailor the hydraulics to meet the requirements of virtually any application. Replaceable wear ring in two materials, gray iron or Hard IronTM, for different operation conditio Hardened gray iron impeller for typical wastewater applicatio Hard Iron? impeller for abrasive and corrosive applicatio Short shaft overhang reduces shaft deflection and increases seal and bearing life。 Motor designed for submeible use. Heat is concentrated to the stator core for improved cooling properties. The double mechanical seal system coists of two sets of mechanical shaft seals work independently to provide double security. Available in Tungsten carbide (WCCR) or Silicone carbide (SiC) depending on pumped media. Motor cable SUBCAB ? specially developed for submeible use...


产品简介:PRODUCT FEATURES High efficiency Excellent flow passing properties Moto with high power deity Robust and reliable WASTEWATER CHANNEL IMPELLER PUMP The classic C-pumps with shrouded impelle have proven themselves over the yea and are designed to handle different types of media. The C 3231 two-channel impeller is available in cast iron or duplex stainless steel with excellent flow passing properties that reduce clogging in the impeller channel. A narrow gap between the interchangeable wear rings eures high efficiency. ROBUST AND RELIABLE DESIGN The short shaft overhang reduces shaft deflection and increases seal and bearing life Motor is designed for submeible use. Heat is concentrated to the stator core for improved cooling properties. Marteitic stainless steel shaft for maximum strength and corrosive resistance Optional duplex stainless steel shaft for superior corrosive resistance Double mechanical seal system. Two sets of mechanical shaft seals work independently to provide double security. They are available in Tungsten carbide (WCCR) or Silicone carbide (SiC) depending on pumped media. Motor cable SUBCAB ? specially developed for submeible use...


产品简介:? Superior non-clog performance ? Self-cleaning non-clog impelle ? Multi-vane desig for the highest wastewater efficiency ? Sustained high efficiency ? Hardened cast iron, optional Duplex stainless steel and Hard-Iron impelle Xylem Inc. span off from ITT Corp. on November 1st and Xylem Inc stock began trading on the New York Stock Exchange on Nov.16th, 2012. She’s focus on Water business. According to division principle, all the water related manufacture, brands, products, technology and itallatio,performance references under former ITT are owned by Xylem Inc. It includes.Fire Water application, water lifting, HVAC, Waste Water ect…). On the other side, all the non-water related plants, brands, products, technologyand job references under former ITT are owned by current ITT. Overview PRODUCT FEATURES State-of-the-art wastewater pump with N-technology Sustained high efficiency with energy savings up to 25% Flexible and modular design Robust and reliable Stainless steel impeller for special applicatio that require duplex stainless steel Short shaft overhang reduces shaft deflection and increases seal and bearing life Motor designed for submeible use. Heat is concentrated to the stator core for improved cooling properties. The double mechanical seal system coists of two sets of mechanical shaft seals that work independently to provide double security. Available in Tungsten carbide (WCCR) or Silicone carbide (SiC) depending on pumped media. Motor cable SUBCAB ? specially developed for submeible use...
赛莱默ITT飞力C系列潜水泵C Range

赛莱默ITT飞力C系列潜水泵C Range

产品简介:Specialized rotor coatings for greater wear resistance Modular and highly flexible product configuratio Fixed speed, by a mechanical variator or an integrated electrical inverter PROGRESSIVE CAVITY PUMP FOR SLUDGE APPLICATIO UP TO 15% DRY SOLIDS Flygt Compact C is a compact pump of modular cotruction that delive reliable and cost-effective performance. The range cove one to four-stage models suitable for pressures up to 24 ba. Materials of cotruction includes cast-iron or stainless steel casing and a choice of rotor materials and coatings to suit a large number of sludge applicatio and minimize downtime. FLEXIBLE DESIGN AND CONFIGURATION TO SUIT INDIVIDUAL NEEDS...


产品简介:High efficiency Excellent flow passing properties Moto equipped with high power deity Robust and reliable WASTEWATER CHANNEL IMPELLER PUMP Over the yea, the classic C-pump has proven to be both reliable and robust. The Flygt C-range cove a wide capacity range and is designed to handle different types of media. The C 3045 features a shrouded single-vane impeller. It has excellent flow passing properties that reduce the risk for clogging in the impeller channel. A narrow gap between the interchangeable wear rings eures high efficiency. ROBUST AND RELIABLE DESIGN Short shaft overhang. Reduces shaft deflection while increasing seal and bearing life. Motor designed for submeible use. Heat is concentrated to the stator core for improved cooling properties Marteitic stainless steel shaft gives maximum strength and corrosive resistance Double mechanical seal system. Two sets of mechanical shaft seals work independently to provide double security. Available in Tungsten carbide (WCCR) or Silicone carbide (SiC) depending on pumped media. Griplock? seal system. Secure locking of the shaft, no rubber friction, no grub screws and no shaft damage....


产品简介:PRODUCT FEATURES High efficiency Excellent flow passing properties Moto with high power deity Robust and reliable WASTEWATER CHANNEL IMPELLER PUMP Over the yea, the classic C-pumps with shrouded impelle have proven to be both reliable and robust. The Flygt C 3057 cove a wide capacity range and is designed to handle different types of media. The C 3057 features a shrouded single-vane impeller with excellent flow passing properties that reduce the risk for clogging in the impeller channel. A narrow gap between the interchangeable wear rings eures high efficiency. ROBUST AND RELIABLE DESIGN Short shaft overhang. Reduces shaft deflection while increasing seal and bearing life. Motor designed for submeible use. Heat is concentrated to the stator core for improved cooling properties. Marteitic stainless steel shaft gives maximum strength and corrosive resistance Double mechanical seal system. Two sets of mechanical shaft seals work independently to provide double security. Available in Tungsten carbide (WCCR) or Silicone carbide (SiC) depending on pumped media. Griplock? seal system. Secure locking of the shaft, no rubber friction, no grub screws and no shaft damage....


产品简介:PRODUCT FEATURES High efficiency Excellent flow passing properties Moto with high power deity Robust and reliable WASTEWATER CHANNEL IMPELLER PUMP Over the yea, the classic C-pumps with shrouded impelle have proven to be both reliable and robust. They cover a wide capacity range and are designed to handle different types of media. The Flygt C 3102 has a single-vane impeller with excellent flow passing properties that reduce the risk for clogging in the impeller channel. A narrow gap between the interchangeable wear rings eures high efficiency. ROBUST AND RELIABLE DESIGN Short shaft overhang reduces shaft deflection and increases seal and bearing life Motor designed for submeible use. Heat is concentrated to the stator core for improved cooling properties. Stainless steel shaft gives maximum strength and corrosive resistance Double mechanical seal system. Two sets of mechanical shaft seals work independently to provide double security. Available in Tungsten carbide (WCCR) or Silicone carbide (SiC) depending on pumped media. Griplock? seal system. Secure locking to the shaft, no rubber friction, no grub screws and no shaft damage....


产品简介:PRODUCT FEATURES High efficiency Excellent flow passing properties Moto with high power deity Robust and reliable WASTEWATER CHANNEL IMPELLER PUMP Over the yea, the classic C-pumps with shrouded impelle have proven to be both reliable and robust. They cover a wide capacity range and are designed to handle different types of media. The Flygt C 3085 has a single-vane impeller with excellent flow passing properties that reduces the risk for clogging in the impeller channel. A narrow gap between the interchangeable wear rings eures high efficiency. ROBUST AND RELIABLE DESIGN Short shaft overhang reduces shaft deflection and increases seal and bearing life Motor designed for submeible use. Heat is concentrated to the stator core for improved cooling properties. Stainless steel shaft gives maximum strength and corrosive resistance Double mechanical seal system. Two sets of mechanical shaft seals work independently to provide double security. Available in Tungsten carbide (WCCR) or Silicone carbide (SiC) depending on pumped media. Griplock? seal system. Secure locking to the shaft, no rubber friction, no grub screws and no shaft damage....


产品简介:High efficiency Excellent flow passing properties Moto with high power deity Robust and reliable WASTEWATER CHANNEL IMPELLER PUMP The classic C-pumps with shrouded impelle have proven themselves over the yea and are designed to handle different types of media. The C 3240 two-channel impeller has excellent flow passing properties that reduce clogging in the impeller channel. A narrow gap between the interchangeable wear rings eures high efficiency. ROBUST AND RELIABLE DESIGN The short shaft overhang reduces shaft deflection and increases seal and bearing life Motor designed for submeible use. Heat is concentrated to the stator core for improved cooling properties. Marteitic stainless steel shaft for maximum strength and corrosive resistance Optional duplex stainless steel shaft for superior corrosive resistance Double mechanical seal system. Two sets of mechanical shaft seals work independently to provide double security. They are available in Tungsten carbide (WCCR) or Silicone carbide (SiC) depending on pumped media....


产品简介:Moto with high power deity Robust and reliable WASTEWATER CHANNEL IMPELLER PUMP The classic C-pumps with shrouded impelle have proven themselves over the yea and are designed to handle different types of media. The C 3356 three-channel impeller is available in cast iron or duplex stainless steel with excellent flow passing properties that reduce clogging in the impeller channel. A narrow gap between the interchangeable wear rings eures high efficiency. ROBUST AND RELIABLE DESIGN The short shaft overhang reduces shaft deflection and increases seal and bearing life Motor designed for submeible use. Heat is concentrated to the stator core for improved cooling properties. Marteitic stainless steel shaft for maximum strength and corrosive resistance Optional duplex stainless steel shaft for superior corrosive resistance Double mechanical seal system. Two sets of mechanical shaft seals work independently to provide double security. They are available in Tungsten carbide (WCCR) or Silicone carbide (SiC) depending on pumped media....


产品简介:High efficiency Excellent flow passing properties Moto with high power deity Robust and reliable WASTEWATER CHANNEL IMPELLER PUMP The classic C-pumps with shrouded impelle have proven themselves over the yea and are designed to handle different types of media. The C 3400 three-channel impeller is available in cast iron or duplex stainless steel with excellent flow passing properties that reduce clogging in the impeller channel. A narrow gap between the interchangeable wear rings eures high efficiency. ROBUST AND RELIABLE DESIGN The short shaft overhang reduces shaft deflection and increases seal and bearing life Motor designed for submeible use. Heat is concentrated to the stator core for improved cooling properties. Marteitic stainless steel shaft for maximum strength and corrosive resistance Optional duplex stainless steel shaft for superior corrosive resistance...


产品简介:基本 CR 泵系列可以用于几乎所有工业解决方案中,应用范围广。 我们的模块化方式*是提高了该系列泵的适用广度。 基本 CR 泵系列有四种材质:铸铁+304不锈钢型,全304不锈钢型,全316不锈钢型和全钛型。 该系列泵有11种型号,可产生高达50巴的压力,轴密封件、橡胶材料和供电电压具有多种选择。 可针对使用目的和特定要求,可提供多种客户化产品以满足客户需求。 应用范围 CR 泵提供完整解决方案,因此格兰富泵可以为工业和家用等各种应用带来便利。 其适用范围包括: 水处理系统 清洗和清洁系统 海水系统 酸碱的输送 超滤系统 反渗透系统 游泳池,浴室 特点与益处 可靠性 服务简便 节省空间 适用于轻度腐蚀液体 抗腐蚀力强...


产品简介:卧式多级泵CME两大特点:结构紧凑、模块化设计,从而可以实现多种配置。该泵基本由一系列可互换模块组成,在任何应用中,各模块间彼此实现无缝连接。 该系列泵为共轴式。 CME电机配备集成变频器。 CME泵带有机械轴封。 CME泵有铸铁型和不锈钢型供选购(AISI 304/DIN 1.4301 不锈钢用于水和非腐蚀性液体,AISI 316/DIN 1.4401不锈钢对腐蚀性液体具有很好的耐腐蚀性)。 应用范围 CME泵主要用作原始设备制造商(OEM)解决方案和家用增压器中的内置泵。 该泵体积小巧无噪音,使用灵活可靠,十分适合在大型系统中安装,实现与其他组件联用。 该泵可安装于各系统中或独立使用。 特点与益处 设计紧凑 模块化结构/定制的解决方案 全球广泛采用 可靠性高 服务简便 使用范围广泛 低噪音 的水力设计 电泳铸铁部件 定制的解决方案...


产品简介:概述 卧式多级泵CM(= 离心模块)两大特点:结构紧凑、模块化设计,从而可以实现多种配置。该泵基本由一系列可互换模块组成,在任何应用中,各模块间彼此实现无缝连接。 该系列泵为共轴式。 CM 泵和CME泵的差异体现在电机上。CM 泵使用交流电动电机,而 CME电机配备集成变频器。 CM带有机械轴封。 CM 泵有铸铁型和不锈钢型供选购(AISI 304/DIN 1.4301 不锈钢用于水和非腐蚀性液体,AISI 316/DIN 1.4401不锈钢对腐蚀性液体具有很好的耐腐蚀性)。 应用范围 CM泵主要用作原始设备制造商(OEM)解决方案和家用增压器中的内置泵。 该泵体积小巧无噪音,使用灵活可靠,十分适合在大型系统中安装,实现与其他组件联用。 该泵可安装于各系统中或独立使用。 特点与益处 设计紧凑 模块化结构/定制的解决方案 全球广泛采用 可靠性高 服务简便 使用范围广泛 低噪音 的水力设计 电泳铸铁部件 定制的解决方案...
